Welcome to Libraries with Love

Libraries with Love is an officially established  501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

Our mission is to promote awareness of the importance of equal and high-quality education. We are committed to providing children in economically disadvantaged regions with reading resources and educational opportunities.

By bringing outgrown books to regions where reading resources are scarce, we not only help children in need, but also contribute to environmental sustainability through recycling.  At our mobile tinker lab, students could build prototypes, and explore different scientific concepts using the Arduino platform we provide.

At Libraries with Love, we work with individual volunteers, student service clubs, and organizations nationwide as a team. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant impact.

Join us

We are seeking collaboration with any individual volunteer, student club or organization. 

Please send us a message if you'd like to join us this effort to help children in need.


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